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New Broadway Musical About Frida Kahlo’s Life?

By: Jessie Sha

Frida Kahlo, a famous Mexican painter has gotten a lot of attention in movies, bags, captivating experiences and many more. Fridamania was announced on Thursday, the 24th saying that they would be turning Frida’s life into a musical. They decided to do this, so people could see her life differently and not all sad. Many tried, but none succeeded in getting the family to agree. Luckily, Kahlo’s family approved of this musical.

This musical is expected to open on Broadway in 2024, after the tryouts and where she was born, to her journey to New York and back until she died in 1954. This show is called “Frida, The Musical,” which will include Jaime Lozano’s music and lyrics by the playwright Neena Beber. All the music will be produced by Valentina Berger. The creators will try to show the things that haven’t been said yet and make people view her differently. This play is based on a book that her niece wrote. Then they had a meeting with Kahlo’s family to get more information.

After meeting with the family, Berger found out that there was a lighter side to Frida, like when she would go on vacation, she would tell her three sisters, “Kardashians of Mexico” to give her husband a bath. She had an affair with Leon Trotsky, a Russian-Ukrainian revolutionary, while she was in a marriage with Rivera. She had a streetcar accident when she was 18 and it damaged spine and pelvis, leaving her in agony. While she was in bed, she would often paint herself with injuries to reflect on reality. She died at the age of 47. For the time being, the team will be busy making a new story about Frida Kahlo.

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